
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Contoh Soal Procedural Text dan Kunci Jawabannya (1)

Selamat malam sahabat Edu.of English. Kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh sola salah satu teks dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu teks procedur, atau dalam buku Bahasa Inggris sering disebut sebagai procedural Text. Teks procedur sendiri adalah teks yang berisi langkah-langkah atau cara-cara melakukan, atau membuat sesuatu.

Contoh soal teks procedur atau procedural teks yang akan saya berikan kali ini berjumlah 5 buah contoh soal dan disertai dengan kuci jawabannya juga. Tentunya, sahabat Edu.of English diperkenankan untuk mengkopi maupun menyebarluaskan contoh soal teks procedur atau procedural text ini. Dan jangan lupa ya saat menkopi ataupun menyebarluaskan contoh contoh soal teks procedur atau procedural text ini, untuk mencantumkan sumbernya. 

Ahirkata, semoga postingan saya tentang contoh soal teks procedur atau procedural text ini dapat bermanfaat dan jangan lupa untuk mengrjakan terlebih dahulu sebelum melihat kunci jawabannya ya.

edu.of Engish contoh soal Bahasa inggris belajar bahasa inggris cepat contoh soal teks bahasa inggris

How to make a Turkish delight
What you need:
1.    500g granulated sugar
2.    125g cornflour, plus 2 tbsp to dust
3.    1/2 tsp cream of tartar
4.    4 mastic crystals, crushed (optional)
5.    1/2 tsp rose water or other flavouring
6.    A few drops of food colouring (optional)
7.    100g pistachios, roughly chopped
8.    100g almonds, roughly chopped
9.    2 tbsp icing sugar
How to make:
a.    Grease a small-rimmed baking tray generously (mine is about 18 x 23cm)
b.    Put the sugar into a large, heavy-based pan with 600ml water and the cream of tartar and bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
c.    Meanwhile, put the cornflour into a medium pan with 200ml water over a medium-low heat and whisk into a smooth paste. Then whisk it into the pan with the sugar until smooth – if it suddenly comes together in lumps, don’t panic, keep whisking.
d.    Swap to a wooden spoon and stir, as continuously as possible, to bring it to the boil, then turn down the heat and stir for about 50 minutes until it is thick and the spoon leaves clean lines in the mixture. Have a bowl of cold water by the hob.
e.    Start testing; it’s done when a small teaspoon, cooled in the water, can be pressed into a firm but squishy lump. Stir in the flavourings, including the mastic, if using, and colouring and taste (remembering to let it cool slightly first!) and cook for a minute or so more, stirring. Mix in the nuts.
f.     Pour into the tray, flatten the top and leave to set at room temperature, then mix the icing sugar and remaining cornflour. Cut into cubes and toss to coat, then store in an open box at room temperature.

1.    What is the text above about?
a.    Steps to enjoy a Turkish delight
b.    Steps  to make Turkish beverage
c.    Steps to make a Turkish delight
d.    Steps to store a Turkish delight

2.    What ingredient that mustn’t be to make a Turkish delight
a.    Granulated Sugar
b.    Mastic crystal
c.    Cream of tartar
d.    Almonds

3.    …stirring to dissolve the sugar. The synonym of “Dissolve” is…
a.    Fluidify
b.    Coagulate
c.    Solidify
d.    Unmix

4.    What should we do to the pistachios before we use it?
a.    Heat it
b.    Cook it
c.    Slice it
d.    Cut it

5.    What should we do if the sugar and the cornflour stick together?
a.    Keep pouring the water into the pan
b.    Swamp it to a wooden spoon
c.    Put it into a pan with medium heat
d.    Keep whisking it

Kunci Jawaban
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D

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