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English! Apa kabarnya? Semoga sehat selalu ya. Hari ini, saya kembali
memberikan beberapa Soal latihan TOEFL kepada
sobat kebun
English , yang sobat bisa gunakan untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris
di rumah dengan mudah. Saya juga memberikan kunci jawaban soal ini di
postingan yang lain. Tapi, sebelum sobat melihat kunci jawaban yang telah
disediakan, sebaiknya sobat mengerjakan terlebih dahulu ya. Nah, baru sobat
bisa melihat kunci jawabn tersebut. Ahir kata, semoga postingan saya tentang soal latihan
TOEFL ini bisa membantu sobat untuk latihan bahasa
Inggris dengan mudah di rumah. See you later!
Tentukan bagian kalimat yang
salah dari kelima bagian kalimat yang dicetak tebal di setiap kalimat. (Decide the incorrect part of each sentence)
Example: The information contained or provided
through this site section are intended for general consumer understanding
and education only.
Answer: The incorrect part is "are intended" because it should be "is intended". The subject of the sentence is singular subject
1. As food giants face
grow pressure to offer healthier produce, Southeast
Asian poultry firm KeeSong Group says its use of
“good” bacteria is good.
2. A team at the
Australian university, partly fund by feed maker Ridley
AgriProducts, have found in preliminary trials that using
a probiotic can boost weigh gain in livestock.
3. An estimated 80
percent of antibiotics used in the United States are
administer to livestock with the use expected to surge by
two thirds globally between 2010 and 2030.
While demand for healthier products is increasing fastly
in the West, some experts say that in parts of Asia customers will
not be prepared to pay more for drug-free poultry, though China could
be a promising market after high-profile food scares.
5. Last week on Outlander,
Dougal breaks the news to Claire that
Jamie was scheduled to be executed at Wentworth
6. We quickly discover
that Wentworth Prison is a grim place where unwash
Scots are lined up and hung.
7. Students who show
up in attire that does not conform will be kicked
out and her money will not be refunded.
8. Authorities says a
northern New Jersey woman who filed a report with her
local police department was arrested herself after an
officer determined that she was under the influence of drugs.
9. While the woman was
at Vernon police headquarters, Officer Ronald Koumaras noticed she
had slowly, slurred speech and saw that she
"appeared to be falling asleep at times.
10. After the woman filed the report,
she walked out to the parking lot and got into her
car. But Koumaras stopped her from drove off and instead conducted
sobriety tests.
11. Singer and star Toni Braxton says
she is bringing an new attitude to her personal life
this time around. She was divorced two years ago.
Capek belajar Bahasa Inggris, yuk rehat sejenak sambil baca cerita menarik di Kebun Cerita
Dari SD ane berusaha ngerti bahasa inggris, apalagi soal grammar ane paling gk ngerti, tapi lama kelamaan ane belajar nilai ane membaik, pelajarannya sama kaya diatas. thx infonya gan
BalasHapusthanks min , saya copy ya utuk tugas hehe
BalasHapusNice , Jadi lebih tau gan :)
BalasHapusvisit : desokublog.blogspot.com
Ane sedang memperdalam TOEFL Gan sebagai syarat lulus S-2 ane. Ane jeblog bagian Grammar hadeh memusingkan kalau pas mencari jawaban yang salah. Kira-kira apa ada cara mudahnya gan?
BalasHapusThanks gan. Lumayan buat belajar nih
BalasHapusBagus buat saya belajar grammar toefl nih artikel
BalasHapusNice gan... Error recognition termasuk soal yg susah krna hrus ngerti grammar