
Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Contoh Soal Narrative Text 10 Soal dan Kunci Jawabannya (3)

Selamat malam sahabat EduofEnglish. Di kesempatan berbahagia ini, saya akan memberikan contoh soal narrative text yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Contoh soal narrative text ini dapat sahabat EduofEnglish gunakan untuk melatih kemampuan reading ataupun sebagai bahan test untuk murid. Semoga contoh soal narrative text ini bermanfaat. Silahkan meng-copy soal ini, tetapi jangan lupa sertakan sumbernya ya atau share blog ini. Terimakasih.

contoh soal narrative text

Text 1
The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night, the children cried and begged the witch to let them go.
            Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them” she said and set off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirsty, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children.
            She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. “Children, I have come to save you” she said hugging them tightly. “”I have done a dreadful thing, I hope this time you will forgive me.”
1.         The story is about a stepmother that….
(A)     Planned to eat the children
(B)     Become a bad witch and wanted to kill the children
(C)    Begged witch to let the children go
(D)    Tried to find out the children
(E)     Tried to run away from home into the forest
2.         What do you think the stepmother felt before Hanzel and Gretel were locked in witch house?
(A)     The stepmother love them
(B)     The stepmother hate them
(C)    The stepmother spoil them
(D)    The stepmother was proud of them
(E)     The stepmother felt pity to them
3.         Why did the stepmother come to the cottage belonging to witch?
(A)     Because she knew that the children is inside the cottage
(B)     Because she wanted to meet her children
(C)    Because she need a place to take a rest and water to drink
(D)    Because she wanted to save her children from the witch
(E)     Because the cottage is her house
4.         What the preceding paragraph is likely telling about?
(A)     How the Hansel and Gretel feel when they were locked
(B)     What Hansel and Gretel do to against the witch
(C)    What the witch asked Gretel and Hansel to do in her house
(D)    How Hansel and Gretel ended up on Witch House
(E)     How Hansel and Gretel escaped from the witch house
5.         How did the witch die?
(A)     She was killed by stepmother using a broom
(B)     She fell into a hole of fire because  she slipped on the floor
(C)    She was pushed by children into an oven
(D)    The stepmother punched her using her almighty power
(E)     She feel into oven because the stepmother’s push

Text 2
In the woods waits the only person with whom I can be myself. Gale. I can feel the muscles in my face relaxing, my pace quickening as I climb the hills to our place, a rock ledge overlooking a valley. A thicket of berry bushes protects me from unwanted eyes. The sight of him waiting there brings on a smile. Gale says I never smile except in the woods. “Hey, Catnip,” says Gale. My real name is Katniss, but when I first told him, I had barely whispered it. So he thought I’d said Catnip.
Then when this crazy lynx started following me around the woods looking for handouts, it became his official nickname for me. I finally had to kill the lynx because he scared off game. I almost regretted it because he wasn’t bad company. But I got a decent price for his pelt. “Look what I shot,” Gale holds up a loaf of bread with an arrow stuck in it, and I laugh. It’s real bakery bread, not the flat, dense loaves we make from our grain rations. I take it in my hands, pull out the arrow, and hold the puncture in the crust to my nose, inhaling the fragrance that makes my mouth flood with saliva. Fine bread like this is for special occasions.
“Mm, still warm,” I say. He must have been at the bakery at the crack of dawn to trade for it. “What did it cost you?”
“Just a squirrel. Think the old man was feeling sentimental this morning,” says Gale. “Even wished me luck.”
“Well, we all feel a little closer today, don’t we?” I say, not even bothering to roll my eyes. “Prim left us a cheese.” I pull it out.
6.    Where did Katniss Everdean usually hide in the wood?
(A)     In the hills
(B)     In the trees
(C)     In the forest
(D)    In the perennial plant
(E)      In rock ledge
7.    Why did Katniss Everdean kill her company?
(A)     It wasn’t bad company
(B)     It made her hard to hunted animal
(C)     She needed  a meat to eat
(D)    It scared her off
(E)      It gave her a good value
8.    If there is a rich couple that is going to hold a weeding party in the Katniss’ district. What do you think the main menu will be served in the table? (
(A)     Fine cooked meat
(B)     Baked dear
(C)     Flat breads
(D)    Fine and well-fragrance loaves
(E)      Fruits and meats
9.    “Look what I shot,” Why did Gale say that?
(A)     To show Katniss his hunted animal
(B)     To show Katniss his hunted bread
(C)     To show Katniss the bread he just bought
(D)    To show Katniss what he just exchanged
(E)      To show what he just shot
10.    According to the text, what is the false information below?
(A)     Gale caught “Catnip” because he did not clearly hear what Katniss said
(B)     Katniss never regretted because of killing her company
(C)     Katniss sold the Lynx’s meat after killing it
(D)    In Katniss’ district, we can get food without money with us
(E)      In Gale’s District, there will be a lot of bread in a big celebration

Kunci Jawaban
1.      D
2.      B
3.      C
4.      D
5.      C
6.      D
7.      B
8.      D
9.      D
10.  C

2 komentar:

  1. Nomer 5 kyknya itu E bkn C karena dalam teks :

    The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push.

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