
Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015

Contoh Phrasal Verbs || Part 1

Selamat sore teman-teman, bagaimana kabar kalian. Hari ini saya kembali akan membagikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Tema yang akan sampaikan kali ini adalah Phrasal verb. Sebelum saya memberikan beberapa contoh phrasal verbs.
Berikut phrasal verbs yang akan saya berikan hari ini.

Soal Bahasa Inggris

     1.      Bail (someone/something) out
a.      To rescue someone or something from trouble or difficulty.
Pengertian: Membantu seseorang atau sesuatu keluar dari masalah atau kesulitan.
Example:  Last month I ran out of money while I needed to pay for my rent. I didn’t know what to do until my friend bailed me out by lending me some money.
b.      Deposit a sum of money that allows someone to get out of jail while waiting for a trial.
Pengertian: Memberi uang jaminan/ menebus seseorang yang ditangkap polisi
Example: John was in jail. I had to go down to the police station to bail him out
                Last night, my friend phoned me and asked me to bail him out as he got arrested because of reckless driving.
c.       To remove water from the bottom of a boat by dipping or scooping or to empty a boat of accumulated water.
Pengertian: Membuang /menguras air dari kapal.
Example: Tom has to bail the boat out before we get in.
          You should always bail out a boat before using it.
          Would you bail this boat out?

      2.      appeal to (someone)
a.      to someone to please or attract someone
Pengertian: Memuaskan atau menarik bagi seseorang
Example:  Fast food doesn’t appeal to me.
                The idea of a vacation to Florida this winter appeals to me a lot.
                Your speech doesn’t appeal to me even a bit.

        3.      Appear for someone
a.      To represent or substitute for a person who is absent.
Pengertian: Mengantikan kehadiran seseorang
I will appear for you in the council.
Who is going to appear for my lawyer, who is ill?
I will appear for you to tomorrow’s meeting, meanwhile you must give yourself a rest.

        4.      buzz off
a.    To leave quickly.
Pengertian: Pergi cepat-cepat
I’ve got to buzz off. Bye.
It’s time for me to buzz off.
Look, the cloud is so dark! I need to buzz off!

         5.      by all means
a.      certainly; yes; absolutely
Pengertian: Pastinya
I will attempt to get there by all means.

Bob: Can you come to dinner tomorrow?
Jane: By all means. I’d love to.

Baiklah sekian contoh phrasal verbs yang saya berikan. Semog dapat menambah pembendaharaan vocbulary kita semua. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya dan sampai jumpa kembali.
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